Upcoming Events
Click on the photo of the event for more information!

Vermont Grazing Conference and Annual Meeting
Join us on Friday, March 21st from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
At the American Legion in Vergennes, VT.
Tickets on Sale Now!

Plan your 2025 Grazing Season Workshop
Cheryl Cesario and Sarah Flack will assist farmers with new grazing plan template.

2025 Organic Dairy Days
Kurt Cotanch will make the March 6th event relevant for forage-focused beef producers.

Project Results - Understanding the Sensory Quality of Grassfed Beef
Join us to hear the results of our two-year study on the sensory quality of grassfed beef!
Roy Desrochers, Sensory Specialist and leader of UVM's sensory team, will present findings from the multiple sensory profiling panels conducted, highlighting the unique flavor profiles of grassfed beef. You’ll gain insight into descriptive terminology and consumer acceptance specific to grassfed beef. You will also have the opportunity to share your thoughts on what future work can be undertaken to expand the markets and improve the viability of grassfed cattle production in Vermont.

Understanding and Accessing the Halal Markets in the Northeast.
We welcome Joe Regenstein to share his breadth of knowledge about the halal value chain in the Northeast.

Reading Your Pastures to Help Make Management Decisions.
Walk the pastures of Kiss the Cow with Carissa Stein and Thomas Griggs.

Deep Dive into Biological Pathways in Plants and Soils with Christine Jones
A deep dive with Christine Jones and regional farmers and experts. Together we will root Christine’s work into a New England farming context.
Monday, June 10 - Shelburne, VT
Participants must have attended at least one of the previous events with Christine Jones. A ticketing link will be sent to registered ticket holders.

Soil as a Living System with Christine Jones
This is a unique opportunity to spend a day with Christine Jones and get deep into understanding how the soil really works.
Saturday, June 8th - Johnsonville, NY
Tickets on Sale! Space is limited.

Soil as a Living System with Christine Jones
This is a unique opportunity to spend a day with Christine Jones and get deep into understanding how the soil really works.
Thursday, June 6th - Freeport, ME
Tickets on Sale! Space is limited.

Soil as a Living System with Christine Jones
This is a unique opportunity to spend a day with Christine Jones and get deep into understanding how the soil really works.
Tuesday, June 4th - Conn. River Valley, VT
Tickets on Sale! Space is limited.

VGFA Annual Meeting of the Members
We are delighted to be coming together face-to-face for the VGFA Annual Meeting of the Members. This year, the meeting will center around the crucial topic of climate adaptation related to grazing systems.

Gathering of Good Graziers
The Gathering of Good Graziers Conference will be held on January 25th and 27th, 2024 at UMass in Amherst. We will be face to face for the first time since the pandemic!

2023 NatGLC Bus Tour
Three day bus tour of Vermont grass-based livestock farms. Check back for the list of farms.
Event co-hosted by Vermont Grass Farmers Association and National Grazing Lands Coalition.

2023 Annual Meeting of the Members
Spend the evening with your fellow Grass Farmers. We'll have a meal and good conversation, plus Allen Williams will be there!
Tickets: $25 per person – VGFA Members Only (Family members and farm workers are considered Members)

Pasture Walk - Shelburne
Allen Williams' Pasture Walk in Shelburne, VT
Tickets: SOLD OUT

2023 Northeast Grazing and Livestock Conference
2023 Conference Keynote Allen Williams
The schedule posted and tickets on sale! You must register to attend. Current VGFA members may register for free. Renew your membership before you register to receive the discount code.

Prepping Pastures for Winter - Equine Focused
It is time to prepare you pastures for winter. Join in the discussion on equine winter turn out areas, woodchip pads, frost free water and climate change mitigation strategies.
The event is free but registration is requested.

Ripsowing - Why and How Demonstration
Learn why and how to practically combine good grazing, sequentially deeper mechanical soil loosening, fertility additions, and introduce massive plant and microbial diversity in the Keyline soil-formation sequence.
Click event photo for more details.

Sheep Pasture Walk at Maplemont
Join UVM Grazing Specialist Amber Reed for a walk through her pastures at Maplemont in Barnet, VT.
Please RSVP for this event. Click event photo for more details.

Kicking Your Grain Bill to the Curb - Dairy Pasture Walk
Join Grazing Expert Sarah Flack and Farmer Baird Swift as they discuss how Baird has managed to reduce his grain bill and maintain herd health. Workshop is at Haynes Dairy in Claremont, NH.
Please RSVP for this event. Click event photo for more details.

Small Scale Multispecies Grazing
UVM Pasture Specialist Amber Reed will stroll through the pastures of Taste for Good Farm in Thetford, VT. She and farmer Matt will cover pasture systems for multispecies grazing.
Please RSVP for this event. Click event photo for more details.

Ripsowing - Why and How Demonstration
Learn why and how to practically combine good grazing, sequentially deeper mechanical soil loosening, fertility additions, and introduce massive plant and microbial diversity in the Keyline soil-formation sequence.
Click event photo for more details.

Hogs on Pasture
Grazing expert Sarah Flack will join hog farmer Phelan O’Connor for a walk through his pastures in South Hero, VT.
Please RSVP for this event. Click event photo for more details.

Weeds, Seeds and Bees - Equine Pasture Walk
Join us in Danville, VT to walk rotationally grazed equine pastures (on a sheep farm) and talk about weeds, seeds and bees.
There is no cost to attend but you do need to RSVP.

Agritourism and Grazing
Come walk the pastures at Howling Wolf Farm in Randolph, VT with Jenn Colby. We will discuss the pros/cons and implications of opening your grazing farm to guests.
Please RSVP for this event. Click event photo for more details.

Equine Pasture Walk
Meet us in Thetford, VT to walk pastures and talk about grazing horses.
There is no cost to attend but you do need to RSVP to Heather Blunk blunk.wcnrcd@gmail.com to get the address of the event location.

2022 Annual Meeting of the Members
VGFA Annual Meeting in an online format on Wednesday, May 4th at 7:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
Join the meeting to discuss the VGFA’s 2022 projects and a Q&A with Sarah Flack. RSVP is required to get the zoom link.

26th VT Grazing and Livestock Conference
The Vermont Grass Farmers Association and UVM Center for Sustainable Agriculture are proud to co-host the foremost grazing conference in New England.
If it eats grass and can put money in your pocket, we will be talking about it at the conference!

Pasture Walk at Scuttleship Farm
Join Vermont Grass Farmers Association for a pasture walk with Annie Hopper and Sean Willerford at their farm in Panton, VT. Grazing expert Sarah Flack will be joining us for the walk and sharing her wisdom.
We will explore Scuttleship's approach to:
Pastured poultry
Pasture restoration
Transitioning tilled land to pasture land
Barnyard renovation and wood chip pad insulation
Come walk their fields and hear how Annie and Sean are rehabilitating newly acquired, over-grazed pastures, upgrading aging infrastructure, creating a dry barnyard, and establishing new pastures from tilled fields.
Annie and Sean raise 6,000 meat birds, 88 ewes and 30 mother cows. They manage over 150 acres and are in their second year of converting 45 acres of tilled land into pasture.
If you are looking for fresh ideas to solve some common New England grazing farm issues, come walk the pastures at Scuttleship Farm and be a part of the lively discussion. This event takes place at their second farm location, which is on Basin Harbor Road (not the home farm).