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Small Scale Multispecies Grazing

Join UVM Pasture Specialist Amber Reed and Farmer Matt Garcia as they walk through his pastures. They will talk about pasture management, fencing and water systems on small acreage for grazing beef and sheep. Matt will also do a little show and tell about his unique rainwater livestock watering system. 

Matt raised grassfed beef and lamb. He has 15 beef cows and 10 sheep. Matt manages 10 acres on his own farm and 20 acres of leased land.

The event is free for VGFA members and $15 for non-members.  Registration is required, it will help us gauge the crowd size.  We will gather no matter the weather, so please dress appropriately.

July 19

Ripsowing - Why and How Demonstration

August 1

Kicking Your Grain Bill to the Curb - Dairy Pasture Walk